Parent Visa Australia: Different Types and Which One is Right for You | Lex Move

Navigating the Parent Visa Australia options can be complex, but understanding the different types available can help you make the right choice for your family's needs. The Parent Visa Australia program offers various pathways for parents wishing to join their children in Australia, each with distinct requirements and benefits.

Parent Visa Australia

Types of Parent Visas

  1. Subclass 143 Contributory Parent Visa: This visa allows parents to live permanently in Australia and is known for a faster processing time compared to other options. Applicants must meet a significant financial contribution requirement, which helps expedite their application.

  2. Subclass 103 Parent Visa: This is a non-contributory visa that allows parents to live in Australia permanently. While it has lower application fees, the processing time can be considerably longer, often taking several years.

  3. Subclass 804 Residenship Visa: This is a permanent visa for parents who are already in Australia on a temporary visa. It requires a longer wait time and a lower cost compared to the contributory option.

Choosing the Right Visa

When deciding which visa is suitable for you, consider factors such as processing times, costs, and your long-term plans for Australian citizenship. The Subclass 143 Contributory Parent Visa is ideal for those who can afford the higher contribution and prefer a quicker resolution. For those who can manage a longer wait and lower costs, the Subclass 103 Parent Visa might be the right choice.


Selecting the appropriate Parent Visa Australia depends on your personal circumstances and financial situation. For expert guidance tailored to your needs, consider consulting with professionals at Lex Move to navigate the application process effectively.


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